Holding "Republicans" and the Grand Old Party accountable to standards of low taxes and limited government. Taking one small step to protect the Republican "Brand."

Enough is Enough: Georgia ranks near the bottom in SAT scores

Read the pitiful story here–> Georgia ranks near the bottom in SAT scores.  IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN OR EMPLOYEES THERE IS NO MORE IMPORTANT CONCERN FOR YOU THAN THIS. OK, we are losing ground educationally, so now what are we going to do about it?  Our children are all we have.  If we abandon them, we...

August 9, 2008 Conservative Forum Review (VOTE McCAIN)

We had a good turnout at the 8-9-08 Conservative Forum where Rep. Doug Collins was the featured speaker. Doug is heading to Iraq as an Air Force Chaplin. Our prayers go out to him for taking The Lord to that country and coming back home safe. Doug gave a rousing talk about duty, honor, and...

This is What a Big Set Looks Like

Just when you think it was safe to go back into the water, another whiner shows up.  The “do nothing” crowd is large.  And RINOs charge when threatened.  Unlike in the wild, Hall County RINOs run in heards. I keep reading about people “saying” and “asking” and “telling” me lots of things in public forum(s).  I...

Big Set

On the other hand…

…I can understand Jefferson’s concern about separation of church and state when you read what the Muslim Saudi’s just did.  Afraid men will use cats or dogs to pick up girls, they just banned the sale of all pets and walking pets outside.  WTH?  The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of...

What Kind of Separation?

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….”  Amendment I, U.S. Constitution. Where in that sentence do you see a separation of Church and State like the Democrats want?  Only Congress is prohibited from establishing a religion, not any other governmental entity.  Second only Congress is prohibited...

Diversion Center Shutdown Unsafe

The Gainesville Diversion center is going to be summarily shut down to save some money.  Saving money is ALWAYS a good thing for government to do.  But do we save some money at the risk of our safety?  Not a good trade.  Like military, public safety is one area you don’t skimp on. Diversion centers are the...

YouTube – See Al Gore’s Hypocrisy!

Typical Democratic position:  Do as I say, not as I do.  And at least one Al Gore fan wants $8/gal gasoline.  See how Democrats are looking out for your best interest (even if it kills you). Watch Al’s hyprocisy here—>YouTube – See Al Gore’s Hypocrisy! I try to keep this blog about local issues, but...

The Latest in the Hall County Clerk of Court Race

Dwight Wood, embattled Hall County Clerk who threw in the towel after revelations that he personally kept over $85,000 in passport fees, has reviewed candidate Jennifer Gibbs’ campaign material (Gibbs’ Flyer) and felt compelled to respond (Dwight Wood’s Press Release).  With a dismal 14% turnout for the primary, there is no way to tell what...

Gibbs’ Flyer

Dwight Wood’s Press Release

8 in ‘08: 9th District GOP Campaign

By: Kevin Harris, 9th District GOP Chairman 9th District Republican Party Adopts“8 in 08 Campaign”  This weekend, Chairman Larry Toney and the Pickens County GOP hosted the quarterly district committee meeting and annual 9th District picnic. For the second consecutive year, it was one of the best attended and most enjoyable events in the history...