Gainesville Bureaucracy Again!
Apparently the City of Gainesville charges the school 1% of the property tax to send out and collect the School Board property tax. That is around $248,000 per year. Do you really think it Read this crazy story–>Gainesville City Council to discuss school system’s plea for financial relief
No gas tax holiday: This is just the Beginning!
No gas tax holiday: Congress considers raising pump tax to help repair crumbling highways —
Times No Better Than Rest
The Gainesville Times ran a free add for James Mills’ “opponent” today on the front page making them no better then the other left-wing socialist media “outlets.” The human body has an “outlet” too. It excretes the same ingredients we find on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and now The Times. Note that I am removing...
Hospital: Ft. Hood shooting suspect awake, talking – Yahoo! News
I’m glad that Hasan has survived. Now we can see if the Obamnation has the presidential fortitude to treat him like a traitor and not like a brother in Islam or a “disgruntled employee.” In every measure he as come up lacking. I expect no less here. At best he might just keep his pie...
Georgia: Whew, the 47th State!
Ok, I keep hearing that Georgia is next-to-last in education. And the more I read the newspaper and the Georgia Code I tend to believe it. But I had to check it out for myself. After a few minutes of internet research it is clear that what you mean by “last” is up to debate. I have...