Holding "Republicans" and the Grand Old Party accountable to standards of low taxes and limited government. Taking one small step to protect the Republican "Brand."

Gainesville Bureaucracy Again!

Apparently the City of Gainesville charges the school 1% of the property tax to send out and collect the School Board property tax.  That is around $248,000 per year.  Do you really think it   Read this crazy story–>Gainesville City Council to discuss school system’s plea for financial relief

FOX News – foxnews.mobi

FOX News – foxnews.mobi

No gas tax holiday: This is just the Beginning!

No gas tax holiday: Congress considers raising pump tax to help repair crumbling highways — Newsday.com

Times No Better Than Rest

The Gainesville Times ran a free add for James Mills’ “opponent” today on the front page making them no better then the other left-wing socialist media “outlets.”  The human body has an “outlet” too.  It excretes the same ingredients we find on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and now The Times.  Note that I am removing...

Hospital: Ft. Hood shooting suspect awake, talking – Yahoo! News

I’m glad that Hasan has survived.  Now we can see if the Obamnation has the presidential fortitude to treat him like a traitor and not like a brother in Islam or a “disgruntled employee.”  In every measure he as come up lacking.  I expect no less here.  At best he might just keep his pie...

Georgia: Whew, the 47th State!

Ok, I keep hearing that Georgia is next-to-last in education.  And the more I read the newspaper and the Georgia Code I tend to believe it.  But I had to check it out for myself. After a few minutes of internet research it is clear that what you mean by “last” is up to debate.  I have...