I’m glad that Hasan has survived. Now we can see if the Obamnation has the presidential fortitude to treat him like a traitor and not like a brother in Islam or a “disgruntled employee.” In every measure he as come up lacking. I expect no less here. At best he might just keep his pie hole shut and let him be court martialed. Fair trial? Liberals touting a “fair” trial mean a 50% chance of beating the rap no matter what the evidence is. If he murdered all those people then a fair trial will yield a conviction. That is what fair means. Not O.J. “fair” but really fair.
Hospital: Ft. Hood shooting suspect awake, talking – Yahoo! News
In this story we learn that Hasan has been praised as a hero by radical a muslim priest associated with the 9/11 crew! Why was he in the military in the first place? Why is the muslim priest not in secure detention? Because we have made muslims ( yes I intentionally did not capitalize the word–and other minority groups) Supercitizens. Supercitizens can do no wrong and are exempt from almost all laws and are the intended recipient of all income redistribution. Supercitizens get the result of years of hard work without any of the hard work. They are the leeches of our society. But the hard-working Americans who support them are too soft-hearted or unaware to do anything about the Supercitizens until they are in your face. Well here is Hasan if 9/11 was not enough for you.
Why do we continue to treat our enemy better than they treat themselves? Our prison camps are better than their living conditions. We cater to their every need. We even have our own soldiers wear gloves so they don’t “soil” the heathen book they worship (the book the Obamanation calls the “Holy” quran.) If our enemy is a religious sect, then the aim of our military should be to eliminate the sect. Combatants that do not wear a uniform are subject to summary execution under the Geneva Convention according to my JAG source. If the enemy is willing to kill themselves, why must we mourn and justify each enemy casualty like a criminal execution? Why have we limited our use of force making our soldiers into glorified police officers? Kill the enemy or go home. Quit fighting with the Korea/Vietnam paradigm of political stalemate. And if we are going to be stripped of our civil liberties at home by the Obamanation then recall the soldiers–why should they shed their blood for nothing. Maybe the Obanation is keeping them overseas because he is afraid of them?
The First Amendment was never intended to protect wrongdoers. Are we respect the “religious” beliefs of those who believe that killing Americans is what their gods call them to do? Not likely. Saying death to us infidels shows malicious intent and should not be any more protected than a inciting a riot. The heathens won’t show any mercy to the Dimocrats no matter how much the Dimocrats pander to them. Read about Neville Chamberlain. Suckers!
We should treat all those who call for the violent overthrow of the “infidels” as enemy combatants; and send them all to Chicago to blow up the city. Or send them all to the South and watch them slowly disappear….
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