Way to go “Citizens!!!” I could not make the meeting, but I’m glad some of you attended to tell the Gainesville City School Board what it means when you are millions of dollars in debt, you don’t know how you got there, and you want to make someone else pay for it.
Lets look at the details. The elected officials “thought” they had almost $1M in surplus based upon the projections of someone who resigned over9 months ago. Now they announce that they are in the red to the tune of $7M and it will take 2 years to get that debt paid off! That is an $8M difference! And they can’t explain it? Maybe instead of an “audit” they need a GBI or FBI investigation? The money went to someone that the school board or the superintendent approved and signed the checks for. How can they be suprised? Did they not balance their checkbook each month? A good start would be for everyone in charge of budget and finance to resign or be fired (The Superindendent? Janet Allison?), THEN do a criminal investigation. No tax increase is warranted, the salary saved from all the firings will help, and tightening their belts will do the rest.
Remember a few weeks ago? Remember the early Democrat tax increase warning signs I talked about here? How disingenuous to announce a tax increase was required because of future budget projections NOT becuase they were already in debt. So does that mean they didn’t know about being $8M in debt just a few weeks ago? Or did they know and they where trying to distract the taxpayers with talk about future expenses? Most likely the latter. Democrats love to raise taxes and will use any flimsy excuse to do so. In this case the excuse is, “Where did the money go? We need more please!”
Read The Times story here–>Residents blast tax increase plan. Thanks to Jeff Gill who has been all over this story. He has been very balanced and conservative in his reporting, and he took the extra step of doing the math for us to show that the school board wants each taxpayer in Gainesville to donate an extra $200 per year or so to make up for their mistakes.
This is what happens when you let Democrats run your government people. It is great to “blast” them, but you have to un-elect the school board or you will always get a tax increase.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry