No Government seems to ever have a surplus.  If they do, the first thing they do is fight over how to spend it as soon as possible.  That is why in years when WE are having a hard time making ends meet, THEY ask for more.  The answer should always be NO.

The $27M Gainesville budget shows that 16% or $4,320,000 is administrative overhead.  55% of the budget is public safety.  I’m all for police and fire protection at any cost but…..

….it is time to consider unified fire and law enforcement in Gainesville / Hall County.  Each operation now has its own administration which could be cut on half.  Chief Hooper is doing a great job, but a unified law enforcement under Sheriff Cronic would bring the illegal alien capture-and-deport program to the City (where it is a huge loophole now).  Gainesville is almost a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.  Recently I was told that one rating company has rated Hall County down because of the illegal alien issue.  Any certified officer can run radar and write speeding tickets on the bridges (no matter the color of the uniform).

What is the importance about the property tax being steady (about $4.9M)?  It means that there is no reason to increase taxes because the City’s income is the same.

Thanks to Kristen Morales at The Times for this information.

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