Am I the only one who can connect the dots? Hillary drops out of the race, the mainstream media anoints their Chosen One as president, and the market immediately takes a 400 point drop. Coincidence? No way!
Even Fox News is too politically correct to tell the story like it is. It is NOT the jobs numbers that caused the drop. It is NOT the federal reserve numbers that caused the drop. It is NOT the sudden rise in oil prices that caused the drop. That is what we call a causation-correlation error. All those things were CAUSED by the specter of an Obama presidency.
People with money are AFRAID OF OBAMA and his ilk. They know that if he is coronated, he will lay waste to capitalism. If I was Exxon or anyone with large amount of liquid capital, I would be cashing out and taking my money to a third-world country just in case he gets elected. Ride out of the storm somewhere safe.
Worried about $4/gal gas? With Obama expect much higher because that is the easiest way for him to raise money to give to his liberal friends and keep people off the road and “help the environment.”
Worried about terrorists? Don’t be worried with Obama. The will be right here in the U.S. visiting the White House and planning an end to all infidels (that means you). Why not worry? Once Obama is King you can’t do anything about it, so pray to THE ONE TRUE God (the one who does not preach martyrdom with virgins as a reward), don’t worry.
Inflation worries? Inflation is always higher with Democrats than Republicans. Gas will keep going up, other prices will go up too. Your spending power will go down. Good thing Obama gives good speeches. IF you can afford the electricity, you can watch them on state-run TV all day long because you won’t be able to afford to do anything else.
Healthcare worries? Everyone else will have free healthcare except you. You will have to pay for everyone else’s healthcare. Just about like right now in Hall County with the illegal aliens. No worries!
Wonder why gold has been going up? Because smarter people than us have been converting their dollars to gold for awhile to protect their assets. They were way ahead of the curve.
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