
Maria Caulkins said: “We [the school board] all completely agree with the success of this administration in the quality of education with Gainesville city schools.”

I know there is a lot moral relativism going on and the hand holding and cheerleading for everyone no matter how badly they perform, but under no usage of the English language can the administration of the Gainesville City Schools be considered a success.  Unless by “success” you mean in the red several million dollars,  a couple million are just plain missing, and you are raising taxes 20% (this year alone).  If the kids are getting educated properly it is DESPITE the administration not because of it.  If the administration is teaching math to our kids, then there is no way they will ever pass the CRCT.

I’m glad that the quarter-million-dollar man got back from vacation in time to see his largest tax increase ever through, however.  It is a shame he missed the lynch mobs during the public hearings.  Hope he has his golden parachute at the ready.  But since his bosses think he is a “success,” his job is secure.  Hope the voters disagree.

Practice Tip:  By the way voters, here is a secret:  Republican voters outnumbered Democrat voters in Gainesville this year.  So if a real Republican were to run for school board he/she would be likely to win even if every Democrat voted for the opponent.  Maria Caulkins is not a member of the Hall County Republican Party.

Read the whole story here–>Gainesville schools weigh budget cuts; deficit is $6.6 million.

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