Honestly, I haven’t analyzed the proposed budget yet. Like unwinding a string tied in a knot, it seems a daunting task. I understand that at least two board members are asking for more information (now). I think we are all still awaiting answers to the “missing” money and the reason for the budget shortfall.
The short answer is that as long as the superintendent is still working there, the whole operation is suspect. Everyone involved in the finance department needs to be fired and just start over (unless the “flip” on the bad actors and turn “state’s witness”). Make the superintendent file suit to get his golden parachute. Consider this my continued vote of “no confidence.” The board has to earn the respect of the taxpayers. The children and teachers deserve to have leaders they can trust and respect.
A failue to prepare on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. This adage applies to the “emergency” with the school board budget. Prior planning prevents poor performance, Sir! I learned that at 17 years old with a crusty drill sergeant cussing in my face at boot camp. Maybe more people need to go to boot camp? Maybe we need to run a Republican Elected Official Book Camp here in Hall County to remind everyone what we Hall County Republicans stand for? Let me know what you think about that.
Read The Time story here–>Gainesville school board approves $7.5 million loan
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry