A moment of silence before looking at this picture—->Navy NewsStand – Eye on the Fleet This is WAR brought into the streets of New York City by foreign soilders. Your street WILL BE next if you do nothing.
July 31, 1981, U.S. Military MEPS Station, Jacksonville, Florida:
“I, Paul Stanley, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
I have never been relieved of this oath.
This will be my only response to Mike and other Democrat fascists. What service were they in? Like the Dali Bama, none, I’m sure. To liberals, soilders are just guys in funny hats with guns that take up money that could be used for social programs. Like a good pickpocket, liberals want you to watch one hand while the other goes for your wallet. As long as liberals or their friends profit from any government program, they are satisfied–no matter what the program does to you. Liberals squeal like pigs about their rights, but they are ready to spit on yours for a dollar (or a fish or turtle). To liberals, the Constitution is a “living changing document” that is “variable” based upon the “social norms” that 5 people in Washington impose upon you. And Liberals, lead by the Dali Bama want to choose which 5 people make the decision. (HINT: You are not one of them. Jesus would not be on their list either.)
The American Fighting Wo/Man is the only thing that stands between your quiet pursuit of happiness and death. Vote Republican or prepare to surrender. Surrender your rights. Surrender your church. Surrender your wallets. Surrender your home and property. Surrender the lives of your family. Worse yet, surrender your heart and mind and soul to a bunch of heathens bent on self aggrandizement who are driving electric cars, wearing sandals, and smiling at you the whole time.
Of course not all Democrats are heathens–but almost all heathens are Democrats and their Democrat leaders are all heathens (OK, I’ll give you Jimmy, but even they ignore him unless he says something silly). Believing in God is not the same thing as following Him. Even Satan believes in God. Your friendly next door neighbor Democrat you go to church with is not going to get appointed to the Supreme Court any more than you are. Neither is Jimmy.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry