Remember when BO said that he would not tax anyone except the rich? Well he lied and continues to lie with the help of his buddy Snuffalopolous. If you don’t have medical insurance right now, then lets play a quick game. Open your bank statement. Guess what? YOU are RICH!!! According to the September 29, 2009 Wall Street Journal Editorial entitled Rhetorical Tax Evasion, the current BO tax plan calls for a $1,900 “excise tax” for all those without medical insurance coverage–no matter your income. (So I guess you can’t afford insurance so you get to pay a new tax OR submit to the Dimocrat-run program.)
Now if calling it a tax is not enough for you then how about this: The willful failure to pay the “NON TAX” to the IRS (don’t they collect taxes?) can result in a criminal penalty of $25,000 fine and up to a year in federal prison. This proposed code section would also be found in the IRS Code under section 7203.
Lets recap. Per His Majesty’s mouth this is not a tax. However, if you are uncovered you will have to pay $1,900 to the IRS. If you fail to pay the $1,900, you will go to prison and pay a stiff fine. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is likely a duck. This is a tax.
If I have to pay money out of my pocket or got to prison, then it is a tax. Like street magicians and pickpockets, you have to keep your eye on the Dimocrats’ hands not their mouth. It is their hands that find their way into your pockets.
And as to the “no press” complaint from the Dimocrats: Who is Pierre? Have to have someone newsworth to draw the news. Dimocrats have ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, and…. well everyone but Fox, so I think complaining is just plain greedy.
I’m gonna try to stay on local politics, but taking $1,900 out of my pocket seems local to me.
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