Less government means more freedom.  Less tax means more money to save or spend on what you want AND more revenue for government.  Less spending means more money for important government services like the military.  This concept is fundamental—and unique–to the Republican Party.  It is what the “Brand” Republican stands for.  It is the fundamental difference between Republicans and the other party.  If you want less taxes, less bureaucrats, less regulation, then you are one of us.  Climb on board with the winning Republicans.

It is a great time to be a Republican in Hall County!  All officials in Hall County (that are elected by party) are Republican.  The Lt. Governor, Casey Cagle, is a resident of Hall County and a member of our Party.  If you live in Hall County there is a good chance that YOU are a Republican too!  If you are not a member of the party, you should be.  Click here to join!  Come be a part of the “right” party that is larger than even Gwinnett County GOP.  Start with a one time membership fee of $25.  Then come to just one conservative forum (held each second Saturday of the month at Ryan’s Steakhouse) and meet a prominent conservative figure each month.  Then volunteer for just one hour during the presidential campaign.  Be a part of the winning team in Georgia!  No matter what else you do, be sure to vote “right,” vote Republican.

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