I have had grave concerns over Immigration with W. Then came the Ramadan Terrorist Dinner at the White House. The story below just takes the cake!
A group of young thugs gang-raped and strangled two innocent girls. One confessed, was convicted, and was sentence to death. Next stop–St. Peter. But wait!
The Solicitor General of the United States (the head lawyer for OUR government) is actually arguing that a convicted murderer / rapist (who happens to be a Mexican Citizen) should NOT–I repeat NOT–get the death penalty because and only because the murderer was not notified of his right to contact the Mexican Consulate! Sure he murdered and raped. No one believes the Mexican consulate would have done anything at all. (I have contacted them on behalf of other criminal defendants with no more result than pretty letterhead.)
This is another fine example of the creation of “super citizens” in our United States. Regular citizens like you and me would be crispy critters in Texas by now, but super citizens like this fine outstanding murderer /rapist get the royal treatment from the president of the united states (yes I intentionally did not capitalize those words).
I can find no rational, logical reason why any God-fearing Republican would support a murder / rapist. I’ll bet the Solicitor General washed his mouth out with soap after that argument!
FOXNews.com – Death Penalty Case Puts Bush and Texas at Odds Over Mexicans Fate
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry