Congratulations to BioCrow Enterprises, LLC from Gainesville, Georgia whichis the first firm from Gainesville to register as a ProAmerica Company. ProAmerica Companies take a pledge to never knowingly hire a worker who is not legally allowed to work in the United States ( BioCrow Enterprises ( is a transcription service located in Gainesville, Georgia. Wouldn’t it be nice if all businesses in Gainesville / Hall County would take the pledge.
On 11/3/07, my law firm, The Stanley Firm, LLC ( took the pledge and signed up with ProAmerica as well. TSF will be the second firm to sign up with ProAmerica from Gainesville, Hall County. Will your firm be next?
See for more details and to find a ProAmerica company in your area. Also, thanks to Ken Stanford of for publishing a story about ProAmerica on 11/2/07.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry