In Hall County, the Magistrate Judge and the Probate Judge must declare their party affiliation–Republican or something else–before they can run for office.  Superior Court and State Court Judges are exempt from that declaration.  The Hall GOP feels that ALL elected officials should have to declare their party affiliation.  If it is good enough for Magistrate and Probate Judges, then it is good enough for Superior and State Court judges too.  Contact your state house representative and state senator today to let them know that you agree so that they can change the law Georgia Constitution.  Thanks to Harris Blackwood from The Times for pointing out to me that the nonpartisan judicial elections were put into the Georgia Constitution.  It will be extremely hard to change.  See Ga. Const. Art. VI, Sec. VII. Para. I.   Section VII makes it almost impossible to remove a sitting judge as well.  The board consists of 2 judges appointed by the Supreme Court, 3 lawyers appointed by the State Bar Association, and 2 citizens appointed by the Governor.  Bet the vote is 5 to 2 all the time!  We won’t know because they keep the records secret and anything they find can’t be used anywhere else!

Senator Lee Hawkins

Representative Carl Rogers

Representative James Mills

Representative Doug Collins

Representative Tommy Benton

We are very lucky to have so many good representatives for our area!  Let them know what a good job they are doing for us!

While we are at it, the city officials should have to declare party affiliation too!

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