Holding "Republicans" and the Grand Old Party accountable to standards of low taxes and limited government. Taking one small step to protect the Republican "Brand."
Posts tagged "#covid"

Day 7: COVID-19 Infections Down Sharply on March 22, 2020

I’m a day late again and I missed the best news ever while watching The Crown on Netflix. New reported cases only went up an unbelievable 42 cases or a 7% increase. The last time we had that small of an increase was on March 11, 2020 (and I suspect that was due to a...

COVID-19 Rate Decreases 2nd Day In a Row

I’m late updating. It is Sunday (March 22, 2020) yet I’m writing about the Saturday numbers (March 21, 2020). The curve for the infection rate is starting to take the expected “exponential” shape with an increase in cases of 142 and, very sadly, a report of 10 deaths–the highest one-day total in Georgia since the...