Holding "Republicans" and the Grand Old Party accountable to standards of low taxes and limited government. Taking one small step to protect the Republican "Brand."

W Has Officially Gone Crazy! Super Citizens cheat death!

I have had grave concerns over Immigration with W.  Then came the Ramadan Terrorist Dinner at the White House.  The story below just takes the cake! A group of young thugs gang-raped and strangled two innocent girls.  One confessed, was convicted, and was sentence to death.  Next stop–St. Peter.  But wait!

Bush knows well his legacy is tied to results in Iraq

By Chris Masters Joan King loses all credibility as a political commentator when she asserts this: “President Bush wants to pass the war on to his successor. If he can’t claim success in Iraq, at least the failure can be attributed to someone else.” Here is a simple truth for our times: President Bush cannot...

Gainesville should encourage cover-up but not mandate it

By Joe Cwik Arturo Corso is right: Republicans believe in less government and we also believe in limited government, just like the Founding Fathers.

Religion should have a place in our public life

By Tommy Sandoval If I argued like Arturo Corso does, I would borrow his “marching orders” slur; he has used it several times, most recently when he suggested that another writer of a letter to the editor should “think about the ‘marching orders’ he signs off on before sending them in for print.”

Experience reveals problems of government-run health care

Mildred Rainwater, the Flowery Branch woman who had problems getting her 94-year-old mother cared for at a dentist’s office, has given us all a peek at a troubled future. Troubled, that is, if we put the government in charge of health care, letting it set prices and the budget. Ms. Rainwater reports that she was...

Less is More

Less government means more freedom.  Less tax means more money to save or spend on what you want AND more revenue for government.  Less spending means more money for important government services like the military.  This concept is fundamental—and unique–to the Republican Party.  It is what the “Brand” Republican stands for.  It is the fundamental...

“Phony Soilders”

Anyone who has ever served honorably in the U.S. Military is never a “phony soilder” no matter what their opinions are. However Rush, and others, feel that some who claim to be former military have never served or were not honorably discharged. I am a veteran having served in the U.S. Air Force and was...

Less is More… but a lesser America?

Democrats aren’t less American than we are.  They just believe in a lesser America. Don’t let them make your America less than what it can be!

Real Conservatives Support Strong, United America

I question the conservative principles of any group that supports a “fringe” candidate after the primary.  Remember H. Ross Perot and how he helped usher in the Clinton era?  If an organizations goal is not a strong, United States, then they are not our friends.  Our ultra right friends are not getting much support or attention and are in...

Gainesville school system proposes 15 percent property tax increase

Gainesville school system proposes 15 percent property tax increase.  No shock that the Gainesville is seeking a tax increase.  Gainesville is the only Democrat majority district left in Hall County.  To paraphrase a great thinker:  sometimes people get the govemenment (and tax increase) they deserve.  Glad the City School Board has already decided what to...

Economy Only Bad for Democrats

Area unemployment rate down in April percent in April of 2007.

Hall County Elected Officials

Believe it or not, you do not have to be a member of the Hall County Republican Party to hold office as a “Republican.”  Republicans In Name Only (“RINOs”) are one of the biggest problems facing the Republican Party today.  The RINOs are ruining our good name and are responsible for excessive taxing and spending...