Once again, Democrats and their appointed minions look to YOUR pocketbook to fund their excesses. As widely reported, the Gainesville City Superintendent Dr. Steven Ballowe makes over $210,000 per year (plus benefits that probably include insurance and a free car and free gas for that car). Janet Allison, the finance chief for Ballowe, says that the proposed budget for the 2008-9 school year is $3,300,000 in the red. Her solution? Reduce spending? Become more efficient? No way! “[We’re probably going to have to increase the [tax] rate,” she says. Sammy Smith, chairman and long time Hall County Democratic activist and consultant, concurred with Janet Allison’s conclusion.
A call to the Gainesville School Board office estimated only 6,000 students in the City Schools. Dr. Ballowe makes about $35 for each student enrolled. Hall County schools are MUCH larger with 24,777 students in 2007 and the superintendent, William Schofield, makes “only” $173,000 or $6 per student. A bargain by comparison. The President of the United States only makes $400,000 or $0.0014 per citizen.
I suggest that elected officials and their bureaucrats look to their own pocketbooks before they look to ours for ways to balance the budget. Average salary for administrators is over $95,000, almost 4 times more than the citizens who make an average of $26,000, and almost twice what the Gainesville teachers make (an average of $51,000).
As the population grows so does the money generated by the same tax rate. There is NO reason to increase the tax rate. If the population is not generating the taxes needed at the current tax rate, because of illegal immigration or other factors, then it is the bureaucrats that need to look for a solution. According to Democrats, there is ALWAYS some “good” reason to raise taxes. Right now schools have no incentive to do anything but raise taxes. That is, until you hold them accountable. There are 2 chances for you to make a public comment on the tax increase: May 28th, 10AM, at New Holland Core Knowledge Academy and May 29th, 6PM, at Gainesville High School.
Thanks to Jeff Gill at The Times for covering this issue. If you live in the City of Gainesville, let Sammy and the others know that they don’t need more taxes, they just need to tighten their belt.
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