Congratulations to Brad Morris on his reappointment on May 2, 2008.  His term will now expire in 2012.  I know I probably stand alone as a Republican in support of Brad Morris.  However, I know that Brad supports and defends the Constitution to the best of his ability every day.  He, and his staff, might be a pain in the butt for prosecutors (and I have prosecuted cases against Brad so I know this first hand), but that is not the litmus test.  The test is whether the legal process is fair for the accused.  As a former prosecutor and appellate attorney, trust me when I say that it is better to fight the good fight to the fullest in the trial court than it is to have a defect that has to be fixed later.  Brad and his staff make sure that every possible defense is raised at the earliest possible moment so that there is little or no chance for a successful appeal later.

As to the committee that reappointed Brad, however, none of them are members of the Hall County Republican Party.  Rep. James Mills recommended yours truly to fill a vacant position to be appointed by the Superior Court Judges, which would have made one Republican on the committee.  The Superior Court Judges did not select me or any other Republican.

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