Our awesome Congressman Nathan Deal addressed the Hall County Bar Association on Friday at Law Day festivities.  (I was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict.)  The Times story can be found here

The story mentions “some area attorneys” are concerned about Sheriff Cronic’s strict deportation policy for illegal aliens.  Truth is only 4 local attorneys have expressed concern, and they ALL DERIVE THEIR LIVING FROM REPRESENTING ILLEGAL ALIENS.  These are the open border radicals that I often mention.  Congressman Deal correctly points out that the open border radicals are just saying, “I know that the illegal aliens are illegally here in the US, and that they are committing a criminal acts in the US, but lets just ignore their illegal acts because they are not illegal enough.”  This situational ethos is what makes illgal aliens (among others) “Super Citizens.”  Super Citizens have less responsibility than you do but have more rights than you do.  They don’t have to pay for services or attone for their criminal actions, but they get special treatment.

Super Citizen Example

If a “normal citizen” gets drunk and kills someone in a car accident, he is arrested and is prosecuted.  He has to pay for his own attorney.  If he is out on bond, he has to pay his own food, clothing and shelter.  If he is convicted he goes to prison until he serves his term or is released on parole.  He has to live with a felony conviction on his record which interferes with his ability to find a job or drive. 

A Super Citizen who gets drunk and kills someone in a car accident, also gets arrested.  If he gets a bond, we normally never see him again and he escapes prosecution.  Having no true identity is the stealth ability of a Super Citizen.  If he is prosecuted and sent to prison, the Department of Corrections sends him back home to his family almost immediately (also known as deportation)!  After a visit with his family, he returns to the U.S. to kill again with a new identity.  Unhampered by a felony conviction (or the willingness of employers to follow the law) he is able to obtain work without a problem.  All this happens while the normal citizen is still in prison.

Also for your information, the countries of origin charge the US for each person we deport back to that country in addition to paying for their transportation. 

So you pay for everything for the Super Citizen.  His children attend school for free, he drives without insurance so you essentially pay his insurance premium, he and his family obtain free medical care, his children have free education, his children eat free breakfast and lunch at school, his family lives in housing you help pay for, he works for an employer that is probably not paying workers compensation, so you have to pay that premium too, and the normally don’t pay any income tax.  The Fair Tax people are right when they say that the Fair Tax is the ONLY way to obtain the Super Citizen’s fair share is to tax the food and stuff he buys while here.

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