Atlanta has used a mulligan on the social studies portion of the CRCT for 6th and 7th graders for the 2007-8 school year. If I understand this right, the test was over different material than what our children were taught in class. So then the brains who developed the test and the brains who wrote the curriculum weren’t communicating very well? Then all our children lost a year of social studies education that they won’t get back. Wonder how much of our money was wasted on the wrong testing? Who will pay? I wonder when we will be asked for a tax increase to fix their mistakes. Our children get tested based upon their ability. Who is going to grade the administrators? Where is the answer book? No wonder we are 49th in education, apparently the teachers don’t have the answer book either.
Read The Times coverage of this issue here –>State throws out social studies portion of CRCT
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- Fascinated
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- Bored
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