Read the paper about the effects of the Sheriff’s new immigration efforts. He tells me that crime involving illegal aliens is down by a large percentage already! Way to go Sheriff! Vendors who rely on illegal aliens are already whining (and threatening) too.
Now it is time for the County Commission and City Council to start refuse to issue permits to illegal aliens. Business permits, building permits, licenses of all sorts (e.g. licenses to sell liquor). A town in Virginia is doing that and the results have been dramatic.
Keep in mind that while illegal aliens are living in Hall County they occasionally have children. Those children are U.S. Citizens and when they turn 18 they can vote. Last report I read says that Hispanic births at the NEGMC outpace all others. That means in 2026 the children of illegal aliens might be able to vote our elected officials out of office and put in their open border radical stooges in their place.
Republicans are normally too busy working (and paying taxes) to plan ahead. For a very long time I was only in support of deporting illegal aliens that committed felony criminal offenses and some more severe misdemeanor offenses where public safety is at risk (e.g. DUI, battery, family violence, etc.) However now I understand that the costs to lawful citizens of the illegal aliens far outpace the utility of their being here. Every sector of our local economy is negatively affected by illegal aliens. Yes it means that some very nice, hard-working, talented, God-fearing people will be deported. However the will be deported TO THEIR HOME NOT TO A CONCENTRATION CAMP. That is like me being deported to Athens. It is not really mean spirited or unfair to give someone a free trip home so they can follow the rules to return lawfully.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry