Why is is that none of the yard signs for Democrats say “Democrat” on them. Not just in Hall County, but in my travels around the state. If you are not proud enough to put Democrat on your sign you need to change parties. If you are liberal then you should trumpet it to the world! Don’t hide your tax-and-spend light in a basket! Let it shine.
We welcome all reformed Democrats in the Hall County Republican Party. We have a tent that is big enough for everyone. But in our tent you have to order from our menu. And bigger government, more taxes, more services, and more regulations are things that ARE NOT on the menu.
UPDATE: While in Atlanta I saw some yard signs and one door sign that actually had the “D” word on it. Clayton County DA is one I recall. And I saw some dude running for Senate on TV proudly touting that he was a Democrat and that he would help the middle class. How? By raising taxes on the “rich” I suppose. Oops. To the Democrats “the rich” is anyone who actually pays taxes. I don’t think that will help the “middle class” much, do you? Playing the definition game got the Democrats where they are today.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry