Today I’m writing about today’s numbers (Monday, March 23, 2020). After what can only be a bauble in the reporting over the weekend, we had the biggest one-day numerical increase to date of 165. The Georgia DPH notes that this increase is due to the increased efficiency of electronic reporting from private laboratories. But that follows a day with an unexpectedly (unbelievably) low numerical (and percentage) increase of 42. The rate of increase today is 27%–and that is also still lower than I would expect based upon the past growth of the virus. Better yet, no additional deaths were reported.
For those who are counting, we are on Day 8 of V.P. Pence’s 15-day self-quarantine. We are on day 4 of 57 for Gov. Kemp’s 10-person activity limit recommendation.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry