As you can see from the following story, Joe “Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia” Biden, will be in Dawsonville tomorrow. I don’t know why (and don’t care), but if you will be driving or walking near a roadway take cover during his visit. His fleet of Secret Service Agents has a record of being involved in vehicular mahem–killing at least one person so far. Don’t be the second!
Vice President Biden to visit Dawsonville on Thursday
UPDATE: I don’t think anyone was killed while Joe was in town. If so, they haven’t found the body(ies) yet.
UPDATE: (March 1, 2010) I think another couple people were injured by Joe’s entourage during the Olympics. Maybe they all need to take a driver’s ed class!
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry