Well we all knew that the Democrats really know how to “get down” with all their talk about going broke buying birth control.  In case there is any doubt about what the Democratic Party stands for, take a look at the buttons being worn by the Illinois delegation to the Democratic National Convention today.  (Remember that Illinois is Obama’s home state.)  Contradictorily, the wearers were arguing for–actually they were demanding–respect for women.  Jody and other local folks who call themselves “Blue Dog” Democrats will try to distance themselves from such disgraceful behavior.  Unfortunately they can’t because that his exactly what the Democratic party has become.  So when you vote in November, if you cast a vote for Obama or Jody, then you can expect some lovin’ from some Illinois sluts.  Is this the “common sense” that Jody touts has finally come to the Democratic Party?  I bet their mothers are very proud.

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