Today’s increase was 222 and that was the 2nd highest number of new cases thus far. (I can probably omit this statistic in the future because with an exponential growth curve, the recent growth is almost always the first or second largest.) It is the rate of change that is most important, and the rate of change on March 25, 2020 (Noon report) is the fourth LOWEST at 22%. The lowest rate of change was 3% on March 13th, the second-lowest was 7% on March 22 (Day 7), and the third-lowest was 21% on March 17th (Day 2). I also noted today that the Georgia Department of Public Health reported the number hospitalized at 394. Eight additional deaths were reported, bringing the total to 40.

- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry