It seems like the rate of change continues to be uneven for this virus. With an increase of 282 COVID-19 cases as of the March 26, 2020 Noon report, it brings the rate up one percentage point. Eight additional deaths brings the total to 48. Our total count today was 1,529. It seems improbable that California (population almost 40 million) has only 2,500 cases while New York (population half that with almost 20 million–New York City has about the same population as Georgia) has 25,000 cases! One scientist I read said that the death numbers are usually the most reliable predictor of the overall infection rate. What a rough way to figure them out though.

COVID-19 Infection with Simplistic Predictions Plotted

A trip to the local grocery store had a lot of signs prohibiting large purchases of ground beef, paper products, milk, bread, eggs, and cleaning products. Even with the limits, there was little to no ground beef or cleaning supplies or paper products. Strangely Little Debbie snacks and spaghetti, most canned vegetables were out of stock. (NOTE: Plenty of gluten-free products were available, so when this is over I don’t want to hear anything about you “gluten-free lifestyle” unless you are diagnosed with celiacs disease! Pro Tip: Little Debbie is full of gluten! ;)) In summary, you could feed an army with what WAS in the store, so there is no need to focus on what was not there. There was plenty to be had. And I saw gas for $1.89. We have not seen that price since before Barry! Also, there was every possible type of drinking alcohol for sale in a grocery store. The shelves were absolutely full to capacity. I guess the beer and winemakers and distributors are better prepared for a rush than the Charmin people.

COVID-19 3-26-20 Predictions with 3-27-20 Data Overlay. You can see that my simplistic models did not predict the 472 new cases in one day.
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