Remember 9/11. The economy survived. They didn’t.
A moment of silence before looking at this picture—->Navy NewsStand – Eye on the Fleet This is WAR brought into the streets of New York City by foreign soilders. Your street WILL BE next if you do nothing. July 31, 1981, U.S. Military MEPS Station, Jacksonville, Florida: “I, Paul Stanley, do solemnly swear that I will...
No gas tax holiday: Democrats want to RAISE Gas Tax not lower it
You thought that gas prices were high, right? Did you know the Federal gas tax is 18.4 cents of each gallon (almost 25 cents for diesel)? Did you know that instead of lowering the Federal gas tax, the Democrats are going to RAISE the tax by 10 cents per gallon? Yes, RAISE the tax. Read...
Conservative Forum 7-12-08
We had a packed house for the Conservative Forum on July 12, 2008, and the First Amendment was in full swing. Although sponsored by the Hall County GOP, all are invited to hear conservative speakers at our Forum. In attendance were the following elected officials: Representative James Mills, Representative Carl Rogers, District Attorney Lee Darragh,...
GOP: Vass ‘does not qualify as Republican’
In an unprecedented move, the Hall GOP has publicly denounced a candidate as not qualifying as a Republican. Republicans In Name Only (“RINOs”) are the biggest threat to our party today. It is no longer enough that an elected official simply call themselves a “Republican,” but they must also actually BE a Republican. In Hall...
Sonny Sykes Qualifies to Run Against Wynne
According to an email I received today, William I. “Sonny” Sykes has qualified to run for State Court Judge against Charlie Wynne. Look for a lot of interesting information to come out during the campaign. If you are interested in helping any campaign then call the candidate up. Their number is in the book. UPDATE: ...
Nominees for new judgeship named
The “short” list of nominees for the 3rd State Court Judge were announced today. Who the heck made up that list? Only one person on the list is a member of the Hall County Republican Party: LARRY BALDWIN. Start sending your letters and email to the Governor today supporting Larry. Don’t wait! Read The Time story here–>Nominees for...
Borrow. Tax. Spend. Repeat.
Honestly, I haven’t analyzed the proposed budget yet. Like unwinding a string tied in a knot, it seems a daunting task. I understand that at least two board members are asking for more information (now). I think we are all still awaiting answers to the “missing” money and the reason for the budget shortfall. The...
No Competition for Charlie… Yet
I called yesterday afternoon to confirm that no challenger has qualified to run yet. Read The Times here–>Incumbents for Hall County judgeships throw hat in ring
Gainesville schools off by “just” $33M
Just when you thought that $9M was a bad, now we are up to $33M in budget adjustments… but that is just through 2007. It will take auditors another few weeks to fix the books for 2007! Even the auditors don’t know if the school system is in a deficit or not. Don’t they have...
Non-Partisan Candidate Qualification
Qualification for all non-partisan candidates starts June 23, 2008 and ends at Noon on June 28, 2008. In Hall County, the only non-partisan races for us are the two State Court Judge positions held by Judge Gene Roberts and Charlie Wynne. The fee for qualifying is a whopping $4,734.64! My guesstimate of the annual salary...
Democrats = Tax Increase * Infinity
Democrats = Tax Increase * infinity. Do you see the proof now with the Gainesville School Board? I guess the old addage that absolute power corrupts absolutely is at play in our small town. The quarter-million-dollar man and his handlers appear to think that they are above reproach. Way to go Carl Rogers for reminding the city...
Missing Democrat
Why is is that none of the yard signs for Democrats say “Democrat” on them. Not just in Hall County, but in my travels around the state. If you are not proud enough to put Democrat on your sign you need to change parties. If you are liberal then you should trumpet it to the...