Holding "Republicans" and the Grand Old Party accountable to standards of low taxes and limited government. Taking one small step to protect the Republican "Brand."

Day 11: COVID-19 Up Slightly to 23%

It seems like the rate of change continues to be uneven for this virus. With an increase of 282 COVID-19 cases as of the March 26, 2020 Noon report, it brings the rate up one percentage point. Eight additional deaths brings the total to 48. Our total count today was 1,529. It seems improbable that...

Day 10: COVID-19 Rate Drops to 22% from 34%

Today’s increase was 222 and that was the 2nd highest number of new cases thus far. (I can probably omit this statistic in the future because with an exponential growth curve, the recent growth is almost always the first or second largest.) It is the rate of change that is most important, and the rate...

Day 9: COVID-19 Rate at 34%

Today the COVID-19 infection numbers reached triple digits. It is an unfortunate number, but it still only represents 0.0098% of Georgians. Also, the 34% rate of increase is not the biggest one-day increase we have seen so far (but the number is the biggest at 261). Sadder still, 7 additional deaths were reported, bringing the...

Day 8: COVID-19 Rate of Increase Recovers (But not Sharply) to 27%

Today I’m writing about today’s numbers (Monday, March 23, 2020). After what can only be a bauble in the reporting over the weekend, we had the biggest one-day numerical increase to date of 165. The Georgia DPH notes that this increase is due to the increased efficiency of electronic reporting from private laboratories. But that...

Day 7: COVID-19 Infections Down Sharply on March 22, 2020

I’m a day late again and I missed the best news ever while watching The Crown on Netflix. New reported cases only went up an unbelievable 42 cases or a 7% increase. The last time we had that small of an increase was on March 11, 2020 (and I suspect that was due to a...

COVID-19 Rate Decreases 2nd Day In a Row

I’m late updating. It is Sunday (March 22, 2020) yet I’m writing about the Saturday numbers (March 21, 2020). The curve for the infection rate is starting to take the expected “exponential” shape with an increase in cases of 142 and, very sadly, a report of 10 deaths–the highest one-day total in Georgia since the...
COVID-19 Rate Decreases on March 20, 2020

COVID-19 Rate Decreases on March 20, 2020

Yesterday, Thursday, March 19, 2020, we had a startling increase in infections of 48% with 95 new cases reported. My predictions were admittedly way off. However, today, March 20, 2020, is a new day and the increase in infections went down to 44% from 48%. My simplistic models did not do a very good job...

Rome Federal Courthouse Closed

I just got an email at 4:28 PM on March 17, 2020, that the Federal Courthouse in Rome, Georgia will be closed until further notice. The order I received previously said that the Rome Courthouse would remain open (see p.3 of Order 20-01), but apparently things changed when a Court Security Office who had been...
COVID-19 Infection Rate DOWN

COVID-19 Infection Rate DOWN

Don’t believe (how) everything you read (is supposed to make you feel). As of Noon on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the Cronovirus count in Georgia is 146. That is a fact. This number is an increase of 25 from the count on Monday. That is also a fact. The AJC reports that the count has...